- August 21, 2024A Liquidity Pool is a collection of two cryptocurrencies locked in a smart contract enabling users to buy on a…
- August 21, 2024A Replay Attack is a breach on a network where the communication between the sender and receiver is intercepted. Hackers…
- August 21, 2024Price Impact is the difference between the market price and how the trade impacts the overall liquidity in the pool.…
- August 21, 2024A Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) is a smart contract-powered system that enables users to lock up collateral in return for…
- August 21, 2024An Acid Test Ratio is a tool that gives an overview of a company’s ability to pay off any outstanding…
- August 21, 2024Ethash is the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism used to mine the network token, Ethereum ($ETH). Ethash is used to adjust…
- August 21, 2024A Flash Loan is when a certain amount of liquidity is borrowed and repaid in the same transaction/block without the…
- August 21, 2024A Transaction ID (TXID) is a unique identification number, often represented as a long string of letters and numbers. TXIDs…
- August 21, 2024Vesting is the act of restricting users from selling a token for a specific period of time. This is also…
- August 21, 2024A Liquidity Provider is someone who deposits tokens into a liquidity pool. Liquidity Providers will earn a percentage of the…